Visit La Farge Library to see the Cooking with Kids Bean Book Project during the month of May. Thanks to retired librarian and bookmaker Helen Fabel who led the project with third and fourth grade students at Gonzales Elementary School and Aspen Community School. Both schools have or have had school gardens tended by the students – and they grow a variety of beans.
Students cooked Cuban black bean soup in the Cooking with Kids classroom and then learned to make accordion books with covers and closures. They decorated their books with drawings, collage, bean facts, haikus, and beans.
Thanks to CWK Educators Deb Barbe and Abby Ferla, and classroom teachers Ms. Pino, Mr. Mosconi (Gonzales), Ms. Boule, and Ms. Vigil (Aspen). We are grateful to The Framing Co. for matte board, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico and Buckaroo Ball Foundation Fund through the Santa Fe Community Foundation for funding support.