”I love cooking because it makes me happy and it smells good.
Simon, age 9Cooking with Kids participant
Cooking Lessons
Watch this quick video about our cooking classes in Northern New Mexico.
Cooking with Kids provides hands-on learning with real food to over 6,000 elementary school students. Cooking classes are fun and positive experiences with healthy foods.
We use real food with real kids.
And they eat it! What’s our secret? Kids are more excited about tasting foods that they have washed, whisked, measured, mixed, sliced, diced, minced, mashed, torn, or tossed.
Cooking lessons support academics.
Hands-on learning provides opportunities for students to practice essential literacy and math skills. Plus kids learn and practice food preparation skills, build self-confidence, and develop communication skills!
”Cooking with Kids allows students to try new foods, encourages healthy habits and opens their eyes to a wider world.
Kindergarten teacherAmy Biehl Community School, Santa Fe, NM
Tasting Lessons
A simple step into hands-on learning with real food.
Cooking with Kids collaborates with classroom teachers to deliver fresh fruit and vegetable tasting lessons as part of our regular programming in public schools.
Easy and require no cooking.
Tastings let children use their senses to discover that fresh fruits and vegetables make delicious snacks.

School Lunchroom Collaborations
We use culinary and cafeteria in the same sentence.
Cooking with Kids has helped change school district policies around purchasing local food and invites volunteer Superchefs to provide culinary training and support to cafeteria staff.
We help school cafeterias successfully introduce new foods.
Sometimes all it takes is a colorful bowl and a friendly smile. We bring our easygoing approach into the lunchroom to help successfully introduce new foods.

Community Outreach & Advocacy
Families and Schools
More than 1,000 family members volunteer their time in Cooking with Kids classes every year! Together, we are creating a classroom-to-kitchen bridge that supports healthy eating efforts at home and changes the way we think and talk about school food.
Local chefs volunteer their time and expertise to inspire a new generation of healthy eaters. Learn more.
Farmers in the Schools
Cooking with Kids invites farmers into classrooms to get kids interested in where their food comes from! Learn more.
Looking for hands-on nutrition education resources?

We’re excited to share Cooking with Kids’ NEW resource platform: The BIG little Project!
Access lessons, recipes, videos, and inspiration developed by Cooking with Kids over the past 25+ years. Kid-tested. Teacher-approved. Start cooking up your own BIG little Project today!