Cooking with the Next Generation in partnership with FUZE.SW
For all of you who have asked about CWK training, here’s your chance! “Cooking with the Next Generation,” CWK’s hands-on training workshop will take place on Thursday, September 11, 2014. A day with CWK staff and children, learning the techniques of our unique, hands-on food and nutrition education. Attendees will participate in actual CWK classes, work with students and trainers, and practice the hands-on skills needed to bring experiential food education to their communities. So roll up your sleeves and join us in beautiful Santa Fe! The day-long workshop fee is just $100 and includes a light breakfast and lunch.
CWK Workshop Details
When: September 11, 2014, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Cooking with Kids classrooms in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Fee: $100 (includes tuition, materials, light breakfast and lunch)
More info: Call 505.438.0098 or email us REGISTER HERE
More about Santa Fe:
We’re also happy and honored to announce our collaboration with FUZE.SW Food and Folklore Festival presented by New Mexico’s Museum of International Folk Art and Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, September 12 – 14, 2014.
CWK Workshop participants may be eligible for discounted rates to FUZE.SW! Call us at 505.438.0098 for more details.